Ground Rules and Regulations

The following are ground rules that we consider important at the Center. Although the details might change, the basic principles involved are consistent.

  1. The Center hours of operation are Monday to Friday 6.15am to 5.00pm. The center is open January to December unless otherwise notified.
  2. Tuition is payable IN ADVANCE each Monday morning. Full payment is due each week regardless of attendance or holidays.
  3. Services will be suspended for any child if tuition is not paid by Wednesday morning.
  4. A late fee will be charged at a rate of $25.00 per day on all tuition paid after Monday. 
  5. A late fee will be charged at the rate of $30.00 per child beginning at the first minute late for children left in the center after scheduled closing hours. At the sixth minute, additional late fees accrue at $5.00 per minute per child. Late fees must be paid in full prior to the child’s return. 
  6. Children must arrive at the center by 10:00 am.
  7. A non-refundable fee of $75.00 per child is due at enrollment.
  8. A two-week written notice is required if a child is being withdrawn from the center.
  9. The center will be closed for the following holidays: New Year’s Day MLK Day Memorial Day Juneteenth Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.Parents will be notified in advance of any other closing that the Center has.
  10. Children will not be permitted to leave with ANYONE except those persons listed on the pickup list. Any changes must be in writing, and any persons picking up children must be prepared to show identification. Parents must notify the Director in writing before any one-time pickups occur.
  11. Each child must have a change of clothing for emergencies and a blanket for nap time.
  12. All clothing and personal items must be labeled with the child’s full name for identification. This includes coats and sweaters worn daily.
  13. Children must wear shoes to the Center. Clothing should be comfortable and suitable for outdoor play.
  14. All staff members are required to report any suspected child abuse, neglect, exploitation or deprivation to the Department of Family and Children Services.
  15. No child can be admitted or return to the Center due to an illness which requires the child to be absent 3 or more days without a physician’s notice.
  16. The exclusion of children with communicable diseases are to be as defined on the chart of communicable diseases, which contains recommendations for exclusion of sick children.
  17. The parents or guardian will be notified immediately of illness, accident, or any unusual change in child’s condition. (i.e. injury, exposure to notifiable communicable disease).
  18. The center does not administer medicine. If a child must have medicine, the parent is to administer medicine before arriving at the center.
  19. No child may hurt another child; neither physically nor verbally. If this happens, the teacher will document the incident and further action will be taken if the incident warrants.
  20. Children should not disrupt what others are doing.