Infant Feeding Plan

Important : Prior to completing this form we strongly recommend that all parents and guardians read and familiarize with The Preferred Choice rules and regulations by clicking here (page opens in a new window). You can also download the PDF version of this form here.

Infant Feeding Plan
Does the child take a bottle?
Is the bottle warmed?
Does the child hold own bottle?
Can the child feed self?
Does the child eat: (check all that apply)
Does the child take a pacifier?

Introduction of Solid Foods

The introduction of age-appropriate solid foods should preferably occur at six months of age, but no sooner than four months. Has the parent discussed with the child’s primary caregiver that the child has met appropriate developmental skills for the introduction of solid foods?
Can hold their head steady?
Opens mouth/leans forward in anticipation of food offered?
Closes lips around a spoon?
Transfers food from front of the tongue to the back and swallows?